Friday, June 23, 2017

Transplants and details of sown seeds- heat wave moves in

Transplanting squash- crookneck and small winter squash. Sowing 30 feet of combined scarlet runner and celebration runner beans for a fence line with red and coral flowers. Also sowed rainbow chard, dwarf Siberian kale, Goldini Zukes. That's it, as temps reach 80° at noon today, heading toward 91°. (Inside, thanks to night cooling with open windows and sealing up in early morning, 65°F) Tomorrow we'll reach 80° at 10:30a with a high of 98° so work will begin early and stop at 11. We'll see if we can remain reasonably comfortable through adaptation as the low temps move 15° higher tonight.
Hal Hurst 4:40. Inside: 74° outside: 95°. I like this well-insulated house.
June 23 at 4:42pm
Alex Hurst ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜“
ReplyJune 25 at 11:57am

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