Friday, June 23, 2017

Mystery Tree reveals identity

It's clear that blackberries will be this year's largest crop by weight. But a close second might be the plums on the erstwhile mystery tree. For dissection today revealed a distinctly plum-shaped seed. They are small so far, approaching an inch in diameter, but numerous, and will make a large contribution, if they turn out to be edible in some way, as sauce and preserves.
Elizabeth Evans McNabb If you think of trees as agriculture, your largest crop has actually been firewood!

June 23 at 1:33pm
Hal Hurst Wood IS the resource which has the highest market value to us. Potentially saving us $300 a month in winter. The shade provided is keeping the house cool. And it stands a good chance of being sustainable. I should also add somewhere in there grass, which as compost is becoming the primary driver of fertility for the food crops.

June 23 at 1:41pm
Nancy Evans Don't forget the possibility of green plum wine!

Image may contain: plant, outdoor, food and nature
The Golden Delicious is producing a half-dozen of these; intriguingly they all seem to be starting out upside-down. — at Folly-Up-The-Creek.

Image may contain: food and outdoor
Just one inch in diameter, the mystery fruit turns out to be a plum of some kind. There will be lots, so I hope they're edible. — at Folly-Up-The-Creek.

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