Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Starting the annuals plot

Finished hauling and placing logs in the outside annual beds. Started on the card boarding to shade out the grass, then I will add topsoil and compost to start the soil building process. This first picture I posted at full resolution to show the surroundings for my little garden- approx 25x40 including the hoop house.

 I've placed the logs approximately on contour, about 5 feet apart.  Uphill of each log, the plan is to do a 24" row of broad forking, followed by cardbording and placement of manure, compost, and topsoil to create a medium for this year's plantings.

Meanwhile, the water table has risen enough to fill the hole I dug in the drainage ditch with the idea of collecting water here and diverting it to a cistern for summer watering. You can see the crude dam I threw up, which I'm building on upstream with clay mud and seeded with clover for some root fibers.

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