Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Monday and Tuesday Diaries

Monday, March 27, 2017

Loaded 2 cartloads of med bark and spread out in hoop house.
Pressure washed the truck
Rigged awning for work in the rain outside garage door.
Made attachment point for come-along at front of the truck bed. 
Rigged rope pulley and 10’ 2x12 ramp- ready to load large rounds when log tongs get here.
(2nd 2x12 read to pair for tractor ramp.)
Installed heavy duty screweye off the eave in the center of the garage door,
for loading/ unloading heavy objects onto the truck bed.
Only this flower is open- one of thousands on the tree.
Made upside-down cake in the morning.
Took ¼ cake to Jon just to share.

Tuesday 3/28

Late start- breakfast casserole 10am
Made adaptor plate for guest bathroom light fixture
Split larger rounds by cutting cross in top and inserting wedge or maul, drive w sledge hammer
Trimmed low branches on fir near woodshed below 5 feet, leaving stubs for climbing.
 Trying to find an efficient way to bundle 1/2-2" branches.
Need a way to make and bind tighter bundle- maybe ¼” rope and Spanish windlass- finish with several wraps of twine?
First open flower on mystery fruit tree- bud break!

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