Friday, March 10, 2017

3/10 saving the crabapple

Busy day today- On this warmest day yet in 2017, 70 degrees with sunny periods, I got the wood chipper up and running, trimmed the broken branches from the old crabapple tree, planted some more crabapples from cuttings, harvested fenceposts and stakes from the wood, and chipped the rest. 
Met a neighbor Diana, who's been in the neighborhood since 1969, who probably stopped because we were working by the side of the road. It was she who tagged the poor ancient tree as a crabapple she had harvested in the past. She also pointed out a small struggling madrone which I may replant somewhere more friendly to the seedling.
Tried out the mower feature on the garden tractor, though the grass didn't really need mowing, but it did chop up some of the oak and apple leaves, giving the swath a clean look.

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