Monday, January 23, 2017

Up the Creek Jan 23:

Jan 23:  Sunny, 35°F

It's been 3 weeks since we moved in. Still working on getting set up with the everyday necessities of life up the creek. (Bennett Creek) Tooling up for the homestead life, I have bought generator, winch, chain saw, hedge trimmer, wood chipper, log splitter, a small stock of t-bar fence posts, a t-bar driver, and a giant rake. Also got my 30 packets of local landrace seeds straight from Carol Deppe (The Tao of Vegetable Gardening, The Resilient Gardener) of Corvalis.
Yesterday I built a leaf compost bin from a pallet and t-posts and some 1 inch green mesh fencing I had, and added wheels to my generator for off-road use; tested out the log splitter and the electric chain saw and hedge trimmer. I hope to use the hedge trimmer to gnaw away on the margins of the blackberry invasion. Elizabeth and Jack, thanks for the loppers- they have already proved their quality around the place.
Headed to town to buy more long underwear and some antibiotic ointment. Later I will see a doctor about a troublesome burn and a sprained wrist. Chest cold is still with me, but reluctantly getting better. Trying to keep my medical distractions to three.

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