Sunday, June 26, 2016

We flee to San Diego

We have retreated to Mom's house at Point Loma- with my sister Orah and her DH Jeff keeping their eyes on Grace, who needs a bit of help at times to live an independent life. We will ask them and MM's Dad to keep various items not allowed in storage,  like propane bottles, until we have a place to put them.

Sharon presided over Open house starting at 1pm, and we got ourselves out of the way.  We re not the kind of people who could live in a house and keep it spotless, so we are taking refuge here for a few days, before we return to collect our camping gear and head out to MM's family reunion on the coast of Oregon.

Cozy nook for Mom in front of the picture windows.
 The west-facing windows offer a spectacular view of the sun setting on the Pacific.  At sunset the living room or the lath-covered area just outside is a great place to be nursing a class of wine.

Sunset in Grace's back yard

Lath sheltered patio

Sinking sun adds color to distant offshore marine layer

But for now the late afternoon sun is a bit too stifling for me, and I retreat to the East side where a ledge overlooking a little Northeast facing garden.


The garden features a huge Sago palm, with staghorn and maidenhair ferns, and night-blooming cereus.
Looking out from this sheltered spot, screened from the street, is a good place for reading, writing, or people watching.

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